Greyslake Master Plan — Kipnis Architecture + Planning

2024 AIA IL Award for ‘Design Excellence in High Performance Buildings‘
Chicago Architects - The Best Residential Architect in Chicago and The Best Office Architect in Chicago

Master Plan | Grayslake, IL

This plan for an 11-acre development in Grayslake, IL is a self-contained ‘village’ with ground floor retail with common outdoor eating areas, various residential options, a central organic food co-op, and outdoor common eating areas.

The site features a range of housing types - detached homes, row homes, live/work, and apartments - for a total of 70 new dwelling units. All of the structures are to be designed with modern sustainable practices and materials. The site’s visual anchor is a large wind turbine, located at the center of the development. Combined with the large amount of roof mounted solar PV arrays, these renewable energy sources produce a significant amount of the development’s energy needs.


Center Large Scale Wind Turbine

Solar PV Arrays on All Roof Structures

Sustainable Building construction, details, and materials

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